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Error generating database for X-Plane 11

Started by ber-serker, November 24, 2017, 01:17:11 AM

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I get a popup : "Failed to build database (The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only [Required Max Database Size (in MB; 0 if unknown)=257]) See log file for more details.

In the Log file is nothing else, last two lines:
"02:01:15.4 Writing  197684 Intersections
02:01:18.0 StartBuild_Executed: The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only. [ Required Max Database Size (in MB; 0 if unknown) = 257 ]"

What's going wrong here?


Getting the same issue since I did the Fall Creator's Update in Windows 10 Pro.
I have Dot Net 4.6.2 installed, I've tried different drives for install and insure the program has full admin rights. Still no joy.
Hope this helps.


That fits. Here it's not working since FCU, too. Well it kinda helps not to be alone, but I'd rather had it working... ???

tim arnot

You could try reinstalling SqlServerCE v3.5, in case that got somehow damaged by the Windows update.

Somebody else did report this same problem some time ago, but unfortunately we never figured out what caused it (that wasn't related to FCU, but maybe some other update caused the problem). The Max Database Size parameter is actually set to 2000 MB, which is way beyond big enough!

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the prompt answer Tim,

I have tried, downloaded and reinstalled SQL-Server CE yesterday (at least the download still worked), to no avail.

Now I've had the idea to copy my X-Plane install onto a portable HD, take it to work and try to build the database on the old Win7-PC we still have in a corner here.

Strange enough, Microsoft removed the download as of today, the link is no longer working, neither here nor from the homepage. I'm afraid the've buried SQL-CE for good - since it won't work with FCU?!

I think I still have a copy in my downloads folder at home but it seems like this is really bad for PlanG?!

Edit: Luckily I've found that MS has not taken the German version off the server yet, I've managed to reach and download it via Google.
I've built a new database on that old machine, now containing all my precious addon scenery data.

Seems proof that the issue is neither Plan-G nor X-Plane nor some scenery, but Windows. Worst case, probably.

tim arnot

Hmm. Link still works here. That was kind of a stab in the dark, because I honestly don't know what causes this for some people, and there's no clue from google either.

Sorry it doesn't work, but I don't have any other suggestions at the moment.

Just another stab in the dark: have you moved your "my documents" folder from its default location?

Tim. @TimArnot


Haha, okay, link is back indeed. Strange that Microsoft can't manage to keep their stuff available all the time.

Anyway, I guess stabbing in the dark won't help much, I have not moved anything at all. When I installed X-Plane I ran Plan-G once without problems, haven't used it much since, now that I have addon scenery installed I wanted to re-run to update but it does not work (and the old data was gone since I missed out on making a copy before). Again, the very same install on a portable in a different environment works fine.

I can't find the night goggles either. Maybe we should put the knives away, I'm all set for the moment anyway.


It's not a Fall Creator's update issue nor is it related to SQLServer CE, it is not a rights issue, it is not a path issue, etc... I beat this horse to death many times...

Installing SQLServerCE should ONLY be done if there is already another SQL based program on the machine and you suspect conflicting DLL's. It actually made matters worst for me. Only after I removed all vestiges of it did things improve.

I had this problem prior to the fall update, and it was fixed with one of the later Plan-G releases ( for me. Installing/Re-installing SQL server did not help, nor did running X-Plane and Plan-G on a different computer with a fresh install of X-plane 11 with no add-ons.

After the update which fixed this I've been running the same version of Plan-G, I have updated my Navigraph Airac release and I switched to the Fall Creator's update and I still have no problems building the database from X-plane 11.

Microsoft's documentation for this error point to an erroneous procedure call which is verified by other developers running into the same problem with their software and subsequently fixing the issue.

Tim had a version up for a while that did not attempt to add intersections. That one did work for me when this issue appeared and could not be solved via other mean.

In the other thread you have or had my logs from when it failed. Attached is the log from the very same machine which is now working perfectly.

Hint: Could the problem actually be due to parsing the airport data files?

That is something that HAS changed for me. I update the X-plane data files which each Airac update and of course with the X-plane Beta Updates.

Specifically this file:

21:54:06.8 Decoding D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Resources\default scenery\default apt dat\Earth nav data\apt.dat

I am at 1712 now and Xplane 11 Beta 10



Is D:\Program Files (x86)\ your true Windows directory for programs? If it is then X-Plane 11 should not be in there because it needs write privileges to several directories.

I have copies on C:\X-Plane 11\ and E:\X-Plane 11\ and never have problems.


X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


Quote from: dempsey on December 01, 2017, 05:15:41 AM

Is D:\Program Files (x86)\ your true Windows directory for programs?

If it is then X-Plane 11 should not be in there because it needs write privileges to several directories.

No, that is correct and desired.

I'm using X-plane via a Steam installation.

X-plane works fine. The windows installer adjusts privileges during installation.

I'm NOT having problem with X-plane.

I'm currently NOT having problems with Plan-G, but I did see the issue others are having with the database while generating intersections.
It seems to be more prevalent now.

I had problems with - Plan-G -

I have resolved the issue with Plan-G and can now generate the database w/o fail.

I did not move X-plane from it's current location in resolving this (Hint: Not a rights issue).

I removed SQLServerCE after the advice to install it made matters worst due to conflicting DLL files.

BTW: I have Plan-G installed under D:\Program Files (x86)\ and it is now running fine.