In every P3Dv4 Flightplan shows me PlanG wrong Intersections or Airways far away

Started by WinstonWolf, January 27, 2018, 07:46:14 AM

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Every Flightplan from P3Dv4 i was loaded in PlanG has wrong Intersections or Airways.
Then on the PlanG Map i see on my Flightplan an IS or an Airway far away from my Flightplan , then i must first delete this wrong entries .

What is the reason for this ?


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Here you can see a Flightplan from LOWS to LFMN .

The Intersection D0531 is totally wrong.

And this happens on every Flightplan . I let create the Flightplans from ProATC .


tim arnot

Is ProATC using the same nav data as Plan-G?

As I asked, please attach the actual flight plan (not a screenshot). Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Thanks. Does ProATC export Plan-G format? Cos this looks like it was saved after the fact - your intersection is firmly located in southern Russia. If you have an original exported file from ProATC, please attach that. Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hello ,

This is the File which is created by ProATC . It is normaly in the P3D Flightplan Format .
Here you can see a Screenshot from the P3D Flightplaner when i load this Plan to P3D Flightplaner.
As you can see there all is correct .

You see two other Pictures . One shows the content of the Flightplan File . You can see the Coordinates from this Intersection . I put this Coordinates in Google Maps Search and i am in France .

This point from the Flightplan is on the correct Place. I dont know what PlanG does with the Coordinates : N43° 40' 45.00",E7° 32' 43.00 ?!?


tim arnot

Please send me the ACTUAL FILE that your planner creates! I cannot run tests on a screenshot!!

Your problem is caused by the fact that your planner program uses different navigation data (Navigraph) to that in the sim, so you are referencing waypoints that don't exist. Consequently it's finding the closest match, which may be hundreds of miles off track. I need your file to see if there's a way to ameliorate the problem.

Tim. @TimArnot