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Simconnect problem with P3D v3.4

Started by JoHubb, February 01, 2018, 03:43:19 PM

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I am running P3D v3.4 on a W10 x64 server, and attempting to connect PlanG with simconnect.
(Previous attempts to connect using WideFS with Pete Dowson's advice have all failed).

These are the relevant files, the simconnect.cfg being in the User/Documents folder - and no duplicates. Thanks for help. 


Log File

---===+++ 31/01/2018 +++===---

07:36:25.1 Starting Plan-G (W7 edition), build
07:36:25.1 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
07:36:25.1 Plan-G Files folder is: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
07:36:25.2 InitDataFolder
07:36:25.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:36:25.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
07:36:25.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
07:36:25.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
07:36:25.2 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
07:36:25.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
07:36:25.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
07:36:26.6 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Howard\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
07:36:26.9 Program in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.2.0
07:36:26.9 Data in: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
07:36:26.9 IsDataLoaded: FSX
07:36:26.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:36:27.1 Starting timer
07:36:27.1 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
07:36:27.1 Metar06Z.TXT started
07:36:27.1 Metar07Z.TXT started
07:36:27.6 IsDataLoaded: FSX
07:36:27.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:36:27.7 IsDataLoaded: FS9
07:36:27.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
07:36:27.8 IsDataLoaded: P3D
07:36:27.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
07:36:27.8 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
07:36:27.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
07:36:29.6 Stopping timer
07:36:29.6 StartMap
07:36:29.6 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
07:36:30.1 NdbsInBounds 33
07:36:30.3 VorsInBounds 14
07:36:30.6 AirportsInBounds 182
07:36:30.9 Metar07Z.TXT done
07:36:33.0 Metar06Z.TXT done
07:36:33.0 DownloadCurrentMetars done
07:36:33.6 AirspaceInBounds 131
07:36:33.7 ProcessMetars done
07:36:33.7 NdbsInBounds 33
07:36:33.7 VorsInBounds 14
07:36:33.9 AirportsInBounds 182
07:36:34.0 AirspaceInBounds 131
07:36:38.4 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:37:02.5 Cleanup

---===+++ 31/01/2018 +++===---

07:40:31.6 Starting Plan-G (W7 edition), build
07:40:31.6 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
07:40:31.6 Plan-G Files folder is: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
07:40:31.8 InitDataFolder
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
07:40:31.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
07:40:32.7 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Howard\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
07:40:32.9 Program in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.2.0
07:40:32.9 Data in: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
07:40:32.9 IsDataLoaded: FSX
07:40:32.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:40:33.1 Starting timer
07:40:33.1 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
07:40:33.1 Metar06Z.TXT started
07:40:33.1 Metar07Z.TXT started
07:40:33.6 IsDataLoaded: FSX
07:40:33.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
07:40:33.6 IsDataLoaded: FS9
07:40:33.6 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
07:40:33.7 IsDataLoaded: P3D
07:40:33.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
07:40:33.7 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
07:40:33.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
07:40:35.6 Stopping timer
07:40:35.6 StartMap
07:40:35.6 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
07:40:36.4 NdbsInBounds 33
07:40:36.5 VorsInBounds 14
07:40:36.8 AirportsInBounds 182
07:40:37.1 Metar06Z.TXT done
07:40:37.1 Metar07Z.TXT done
07:40:37.1 DownloadCurrentMetars done
07:40:37.8 ProcessMetars done
07:40:39.8 AirspaceInBounds 131
07:40:39.9 NdbsInBounds 33
07:40:39.9 VorsInBounds 14
07:40:40.0 AirportsInBounds 182
07:40:40.2 AirspaceInBounds 131
07:40:48.0 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:40:49.0 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
07:40:51.6 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:40:52.3 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
07:40:54.9 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:41:29.8 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
07:41:36.4 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:41:36.7 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
07:41:38.1 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
07:41:58.5 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
07:42:02.1 Initiating SimConnect P3D connection.
07:42:23.4 Connect: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at LockheedMartin.Prepar3D.SimConnect.SimConnect..ctor(String szName, IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 UserEventWin32, WaitHandle hEventHandle, UInt32 ConfigIndex)
   at Plan_G3.Model.lm_SimConnect.Connect(IntPtr myWindow)
07:42:23.4 SimConnect P3D connection failed.
07:42:23.4 Disconnected from sim
07:42:35.7 Initiating SimConnect P3D connection.
07:42:56.8 Connect: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at LockheedMartin.Prepar3D.SimConnect.SimConnect..ctor(String szName, IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 UserEventWin32, WaitHandle hEventHandle, UInt32 ConfigIndex)
   at Plan_G3.Model.lm_SimConnect.Connect(IntPtr myWindow)
07:42:56.8 SimConnect P3D connection failed.
07:42:56.8 Disconnected from sim
07:42:57.1 Cleanup

---===+++ 31/01/2018 +++===---

09:55:28.8 Starting Plan-G (W7 edition), build
09:55:28.8 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
09:55:28.8 Plan-G Files folder is: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
09:55:28.9 InitDataFolder
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
09:55:28.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
09:55:29.9 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Howard\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
09:55:30.1 Program in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.2.0
09:55:30.1 Data in: C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files
09:55:30.1 IsDataLoaded: FSX
09:55:30.1 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
09:55:30.3 Starting timer
09:55:30.3 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
09:55:30.3 Metar08Z.TXT started
09:55:30.3 Metar09Z.TXT started
09:55:30.8 IsDataLoaded: FSX
09:55:30.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
09:55:30.8 IsDataLoaded: FS9
09:55:30.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
09:55:30.9 IsDataLoaded: P3D
09:55:30.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
09:55:30.9 IsDataLoaded: XPlane
09:55:30.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Howard\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
09:55:32.8 Stopping timer
09:55:32.8 StartMap
09:55:32.8 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
09:55:33.4 NdbsInBounds 33
09:55:33.5 VorsInBounds 14
09:55:33.8 AirportsInBounds 182
09:55:34.9 Metar08Z.TXT done
09:55:34.9 Metar09Z.TXT done
09:55:34.9 DownloadCurrentMetars done
09:55:35.5 ProcessMetars done
09:55:36.7 AirspaceInBounds 131
09:55:36.8 NdbsInBounds 33
09:55:36.8 VorsInBounds 14
09:55:36.9 AirportsInBounds 182
09:55:37.1 AirspaceInBounds 131
09:55:37.4 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
09:55:37.6 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: False
09:55:42.7 _Backstage_IsOpenChanged: True
09:57:56.8 Cleanup
etc, etc.

tim arnot

Ok, your Simconnect.xml (which you did not show) needs to be in C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
and your Simconnect.cfg needs to be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.2.0

It sounds like you have the files in the wrong places.

(note, I don't actually have v3, so the xml location is based on extrapolating the naming convention, I'm pretty sure it's right though.)

Tim. @TimArnot


Many thanks, Tim.

I moved the simconnect.cfg to C:\Program Files (x86)\Plan-G v3.2.0. But there is still no connection.  (AS2016 requires this file to be in /..../user/Documents only).
The Simconnect.xml is in the correct place.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
    <Descr>Simconnect Server Configuration</Desc>





In the program, under FS Connections, I put the address of the server under the right hand column marked Simconnect Settings FSX and under it the server port, 4506 in this case.  I have tried several ports, and changed the port simconnect.xml also.

I was not sure what, if anything, to put under Simconnect Settings P3D.  There is a box marked Config Index with a 0.


tim arnot

Index refers to which entry in your simconnect.xml it's going to use. Your file has three entries: 0 is the first one, 1 is the second one, and 2 is the third.

Looking at the port numbers, index needs to be set to 2.

You may need to have three entries in the .cfg too, but I'm not sure about that.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you again, Tim.

Progress of a sort. 

PlanG now connects with Config Index = 2  but the user aircraft does not appear and the Lock/Sync/Free options are greyed out. 

I tried using three different simconnect.cfg entries with the second one as the active but the program just hated this and went into a loop. I escaped with Task Manager.

Any more thoughts?  I think I am getting closer!  I take it that PlanG will use the FSX data for use in P3D?  Under Data, the P3D database is greyed out. 
