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Cannot build database for X-Plane11 (Plan-G v3.2.0) [solved]

Started by kevinh, March 18, 2018, 08:15:18 PM

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When I try to build the X-Plane11 database I get an error:

"Failed to build database (A duplicate value cannot be inerted into a unique index. [ Table name = runways,Constraint name = PK_Runways]) See log file for details."

The log file is attached.


tim arnot

The error is actually a permissions failure when it tries to delete the database at the start of the process. This *might* be because you have installed Plan-G in Program Files (x86).

I'm going to recommend that you download the new 3.2.1 update (see stickied thread at the top of this board, or direct download from ). Install it to somewhere outside Program Files (x86), and try the build again. You do not need to uninstall 3.2.0 first, so long as you're installing to a different folder.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

I did as you suggested and the database compiled successfully.




Hello Tim,

i have also problems generating a Database for Plan G for X-Plane 11 using the lastest Version of Plan G.

First the Generation seems to be O.K. because it shows no Error Messages in The GUI but the generated Database is not usible for Plan
G (not selectable in the GUI).  When i looked in the Plan G log File it shows a Error Message saying there is a Out of Memory Error somewhere:

---===+++ 22/03/2018 +++===---

19:21:03.9 Starting Plan-G (W7 edition), build
19:21:03.9 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
19:21:03.9 Plan-G Files folder is: C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files
19:21:03.9 InitDataFolder
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_NAVI.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\UserWaypoints.sdf
19:21:03.9 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\MEF.sdf
19:21:04.3 Map tiles cache: C:\Users\Lucas\AppData\Local\GMap.NET\
19:21:04.4 Program in: R:\TA Software\Plan-G v3.1.2
19:21:04.4 Data in: C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files
19:21:04.4 IsDataLoaded: FSX
19:21:04.4 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
19:21:04.5 Starting timer
19:21:04.5 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
19:21:04.5 Metar17Z.TXT started
19:21:04.5 Metar18Z.TXT started
19:21:04.7 IsDataLoaded: FSX
19:21:04.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf
19:21:04.7 IsDataLoaded: FS9
19:21:04.7 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_FS9.sdf
19:21:04.8 IsDataLoaded: P3D
19:21:04.8 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_P3D.sdf
19:21:04.8 IsDataLoaded: XPlane

19:21:07.0 Stopping timer
19:21:07.0 StartMap
19:21:07.1 Connection string: metadata=res://*/Data.FSData.csdl|res://*/Data.FSData.ssdl|res://*/Data.FSData.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.3.5;provider connection string='Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data\PlanG3_FSX.sdf'
19:21:07.3 NdbsInBounds 38
19:21:07.3 VorsInBounds 36
19:21:07.4 Metar18Z.TXT done
19:21:07.6 AirportsInBounds 88
19:21:08.1 AirspaceInBounds 188
19:21:08.1 NdbsInBounds 38
19:21:08.1 VorsInBounds 36
19:21:08.2 AirportsInBounds 88
19:21:08.2 AirspaceInBounds 188
19:21:08.3 Metar17Z.TXT done
19:21:08.3 DownloadCurrentMetars done
19:21:08.7 ProcessMetars done
19:21:14.4 Cleanup

Can you plz check whats going wrong here?

Thanks :-)

best regards

tim arnot

The primary error is invalid permissions when attempting to delete the old database. Are you running as Administrator?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hello Tim,

i don't know if i was running plan G as administrator so i repeat the DB Generation running Plan G as Administrator
deleting the existing X-Plane DB File before the DB Generation. But it's still not working. Now the Log says:

19:58:49.4 WriteAirwaysData: System.Data.UpdateException: Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Einträge. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der internen Ausnahme. ---> System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException: The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only. [ Required Max Database Size (in MB; 0 if unknown) = 257 ]
   bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ProcessResults(Int32 hr)
   bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ExecuteCommandText(IntPtr& pCursor, Boolean& isBaseTableCursor)
   bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, ResultSetOptions options)
   bei System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   bei System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.DynamicUpdateCommand.Execute(UpdateTranslator translator, EntityConnection connection, Dictionary`2 identifierValues, List`1 generatedValues)
   bei System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateTranslator.Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter)
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateTranslator.Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter)
   bei System.Data.EntityClient.EntityAdapter.Update(IEntityStateManager entityCache)
   bei System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(SaveOptions options)
   bei Plan_G3.Data.FSData.WriteAirwaysData(List`1 data)

After Restarting Plan G the X-Plane DB file is not usable (not klickable) in the UI.

19:59:19.3 Data Source = C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Plan-G Files\Data\PlanG3_XPX.sdf
19:59:19.3 IsDataLoaded: Für den Vorgang ist nicht genügend Speicherplatz verfügbar.

best regards

tim arnot

There are several threads o that error, including this one (you can also search the forum on 'maximum database size') The poster of that thread seems to have solved it, but it isn't something I've ever been able to reproduce here, so I can only really present what he wrote.

Tim. @TimArnot