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Main Menu Update

Started by tim arnot, March 19, 2018, 12:33:02 PM

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In attach file Plan-G_Log
Thanks Tim

tim arnot

Thanks. The database appears to build ok. I would need to see some general activity - moving the map around, zooming in & out etc, to determine why the data is then not displayed.

Tim. @TimArnot


OK Tim,
What manipulations should I do to send you the informations?

tim arnot

Scroll the map to a new location, zoom in/out, turn overlays off & on from the view menu, turn airports / naiads off & on from the Map menu, Find airports/navaids etc -- anything that should make new data appear on the map.

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes Tim,
Map centered on UK

1 - No element is selected
File new flight plan
Home: Search - Airports - EBCI & EBLG - Add to flight plan - OK
On the map airports are marked with a red triangle
See attached file.
2 - Menu Map: Airports, ILS / LOC, Vor NDB etc etc activated
File open Flight Plan EBCI to EBLG
NOTHING is displayed on the map, whatever the level of zoom
attached file identical.
This is Tim

tim arnot

Thanks. Just need the log for the new activity  :)

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Hmm. Doesn't tell me anything useful. I'll have to make a debug build for you to run. That'll take a day or so.

Tim. @TimArnot


This morning I uninstalled Plan-G - cleaned the registry - launched ccleaner - disabled Avast anti virus - disabled firewall.
Downloaded and installed Plan-G on another DD partition (no FSX).
Reinstalled Avast and firewall
Now everything is OK  :D
Attach the new LOG file.
Thank you again and apologize for the inconvenience.

tim arnot

Yes, that's looking fine. Your previous install on D: shouldn't have caused a problem (for permissions/security anyway), but maybe some component somewhere didn't get installed correctly.

Glad you have it working now.  :13:

Tim. @TimArnot


Was having the same problem using FSX SE.    In the options menu, I changed  FS Connection from "Sim Connect (FSX)" to FSUIPC and my aircraft moves just fine now without crashing PlanG3.


Hi Tim,

After trying everything I could think of, I finally decided to completely uninstall Plan-G (all versions I had), delete its folder & files and re-install v.

Result: it no longer keeps freezing and reacts normally to my inputs.

Thanks for your great program and all the help you give to us .




Hello Tim
I have Plan-G installed on Dell XPS13 laptop running Windows 10. Location to X-Plane 11 running on Aorus i7 (Windows 10) is via mapped network drive to X-Plane 11 folder on Desktop. Database successfully built and all features in Plan-G seem to be working. Loud click heard when connecting X-Plane. Network IP address of Plan-G on Dell
I downloaded XPUIPC version 64 bit from site you sent me. I have set IP address in Config file to X-Plane folder is shared. XPUIPC is present under plugins. Version and status information reports: XPWideClient Version 64 bit; Sending multicast from:; IP Clients connected: 0.
Yellow aircraft icon does not appear in Plan-G. Plan-G log file attached.
Any idea what I am doing wrong? 
Regards Rob D

tim arnot

FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS. Cannot find FSUIPC or WideFS running on this machine.

Looks like the XPUIPC client isn't running on the laptop. If it is running, check the permissions - both it and Plan-G need to be the same, in terms of "Run as Administrator".

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim. I'm embarrassed to say that I obviously missed the fact that XPUIPC must be running on the client running Plan-G! Where should the XPUIPC folder be placed on the laptop running Plan-G?
Regards Rob