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Running P3D V3 and V4 both with Plan G

Started by JDLinn, March 22, 2018, 05:23:15 PM

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Is there a way to run a version of Plan G with P3D V3 and another, on the same computer with P3D V4.  I'm not running both at the same time, but need both, 3 for development, 4 for flying.  Right now I have a Plan-G (v3) in my P3D V3 area configured for V3 and another in my P3D V4 area, configured for V4. So when I run P3D V3, I run the shortcut to Plan G to that configuration, etc.  Is there anything "wrong" with this kind of setup?

I'm noticing the "Move Aircraft to Here" doesn't work and was wondering if this is because I am not in the standard /TA Software/Plan-G V3 folder.

Thank you

tim arnot

No, but it may not be necessary - if you have the same airport addons in both sims, the databases will be near enough identical (at least to within the tolerances of having an out of date chart). There's nothing else you would need to change.

How are you connected to the sim? I used Move Aircraft to Here at the weekend (via Simconnect) without problem.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim ... I'm using SimConnect (FSX) - Config index -  Network Mode IPv4 - localhost and server port/pipe at 0.....

I think I see the problem ... I should be connecting with SimConnect (P3D).  I never saw that setting before. Let me see if that fixes it. BRB


That was it, Tim.  I just "assumed" the radio button to the right was for P3D and it looked "set" ... I get it now. Works fine. Sorry I bothered you, but maybe this will help some others making my same mistake.

Thanks again


tim arnot

It's a new option with 3.2 - uses a whole other library from L-M, & way more reliable. But it isn't compatible with FSX, which is why it isn't the default option.

Tim. @TimArnot