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FS9 online mulltiplayers

Started by phmak, December 28, 2009, 10:26:17 AM

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tim arnot

If it comes out of FSUIPC, Plan-G displays it. So either it's not coming out of FSUIPC, or it's not going in.  Absent any settings in FSUIPC to change, I'd suggest looking for traffic or TCAS settings in the MP client. The only other possibility I can think of is that the MP client changes the traffic data in such a way that FSUIPC no longer recognises it as aircraft traffic.

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: phmak on December 28, 2009, 10:26:17 AM
I have a Fshost session with FS9 and 10 members flying online.
I have FSUIPC393 registrated. I use Plan-G and want to use it for locating the other pilots.
After connecting FS9, I only see myself and no other players.
Off line I can see the AI traffic.
I saw other topics about this issue, but no results.
Is there a solutions to see the other participants?

Similar problem here on my LAN.
I can see all planes in my aircraft range (40 nm) in FScommander client PC with WideFs.
In PlanG, (in the same client PC as FsCommander) offline i can see all AI trafic, but online no trafic is dispalayed, all suggestion posted here followed.

After disconnection and reconnection suddenly all online aircrafts in requested range are displayed ;-))))

GĂ©rard Bernard


yesterday my whole MP team has tried Plan-g in a FS2004 multisession, but nobody saw the other members in PlanG . We tried FSnavigator and FSMap and here was no problem.
We are not flying in a IVAO session , but only in our own FSHost session.

We are sorry that PlanG don't show  MP mebers, because the program itself is great.


tim arnot

From further investigation:

FSUIPC in FS9 does not support multiplayer traffic. If you want MP traffic to show, you would need to use a utility such as AIBridge to "inject" it into FSUIPC.  AIBridge can be downbloaded from the main FSUIPC download page.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi and thank you Tim
I've tried AIbridge for a while but without any result.


Something from another website :

QuoteAIBridge reads multiplayer traffic and feeds the aircraft data into Flight Simulator's AI traffic.  FlightSim Commander then displays multiplayer aircraft in the same way as ordinary AI aircraft. If you are using a private network, you need AIBridge in order to see the other players' aircraft.
IVAO and VATSIM pilots DO NOT NEED AIBridge, since both online organizations provide a TCAS feature which has the same effect as AIBridge. In the case of IVAO make sure that the option Populate TCAS table at General/FSUIPC of the IVAP client is checked.
Hope this helps.



unfortunately , the use of AI bridge doen't help ,
so I think I give up




Same here, tried AIBridge also but no multi-players to see.
Do we have to do something with FSUIPC also?



May have something to do with FS9? I fly FSX with multi players using FSHost and FSHostClient and all aircraft show up on Plan_g.


Hi there,

Yesterday I finally saw multiplayer in Plan-G !!!
For FS9 users flying on a native network like FSHost, you must use AIBridge to see the planes. There you must forward the port 47624 TCP/UDP
to your machine. You start FS9 first, connect to the server, then connect AIBridge to the server and start up Plan-G.
When you connect Plan-G to FS9 it will display the traffic of other players (when they are flying, not on the ground). It also shows the traffic
in the TCAS of your cockpit when you are using AIBridge, but only IF YOU SET UP THE PORT RIGHT.

Another question I do have: When connected in multiplay, I see the traffic. But on the page traffic I see the planes as a C208, instead of a Beechcraft
or a Fokker F-70. Where can I check this out?

By the way, it's a great program. Downloading v9.1 now .....



Quote from: PH-LCS on March 22, 2010, 09:07:36 AM
... then connect AIBridge to the server and start up Plan-G...
How can I do if server connection is password protected ?


Hi Pathfinder,

If the server is password protected, then you will need to know the password.

Jos de Haan


Is there any new information available about online-traffic?
I've tested with IVAO-Client and had checked the option "Populate TCAS table..........".
But no online-traffic was visible.  :(
Then I connected to VATSIM with Squawkbox 4.
But same result.  :(
It's strange, because all the other programs like FS-MAP or FS-Commander show online-traffic.
And those programs are connected via FSUIPC as well.
Link is established via FSUIPC 3.93.
I use FS2004 (9.1) on Windows XP-64, 4 GB RAM.
PLAN-G PC is a Windows XP System with 1 GB RAM.
I know it could be a bit more of RAM and it will be upgraded next time to 4 GB.

tim arnot

You should see traffic, assuming you have the option checked, and it is within range.

Tim. @TimArnot


The only traffic I see is AI traffic.
But the other Multi-Players aren't visible on Plan-G.