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New User - Problems with Creating Database

Started by MikeO, July 28, 2020, 01:03:40 PM

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Hello All, first I will apologise. I downloaded and installed latest version today but even after reading the manual over and over I am still unable to build the database.
I will try to be brief.
I am running W10, I have  2 SSDs - one for W10 [C] and the other [D] for FSX and related software.
Installation went quickly and very well.
The initial main Plan-G screen does not let me do anything except try to build the data base - I assume this is normal.
Under 'Data Build Options Settings' on the Plan-G Files Folder line I have C:\Documents\Plan-G Files.
I am however unsure as to what should be input on the FSX Program and FSX Scenery.cfg lines ie the full path to FSX or just the drive letter.
The file structure in D drive is : Program Files [x86]\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\
Plan-Gv3.2.2 is installed alongside Microsoft Flight Simulator X in the same Microsoft Games folder.
So far all that happens is that I get a high speed data base build that doesnt work.
Can anyone give me a nudge in the right direction please ?
Mike O


Re my initial post.
This is now very interesting.
Following the post from 'andyandy' I have just uninstalled 3.2.2 and installed and I now can build my database.
I am not sure whether that was the 'proper' thing to do - but it worked.
I would appreciate some comment from those who have far more understanding of Plan-G than I do.


Forget my last posting - it isnt working after all !
Still need some help.

tim arnot

On most systems you shouldn't need to change anything in Build Settings - leave both the Program and scenery.cfg path boxes blank.

The Plan-G Files folder is where all your data gets stored. This only needs to change if you've set up your PC to keep documents in the cloud (e.g. on OneDrive), this is because the database engine only works on physically connected drives.

If for some reason, Plan-G doesn't automatically detect your sim installation  (typically the build goes very fast and nothing much seems to happen), then you might need to fill in the locations:

FSX Program - browse to the location of your FSX.EXE file, ie the full path.
FSX Scenery.cfg - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX

If you've installed Plan-G in the ProgramFiles [x86] folder, make sure you run it As Administrator. Same with FSX.

Make sure you're using 3.2.2.

If you've set the locations and it still doesn't build, then I'll ask you to come back and attach the log file (from Plan-G Files).

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim,
Will follow your advice and report back,


Hello again Tim, I am afraid I am still being a 'pain'.
Remember I am trying to use a separate SSD [D] for all things FSX.
My the path to my FSX is D:\Program Files [x86]\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X - the Flight Simulator X folder includes all FSX [incl scenery.cfg]
Installing latest 3.2.2.
I am asked for the path to install Plan-G. I input "D:\Program Files [x86]\Microsoft Games\" so it sits alongside FSX itself.
The Plan-G folder is generated in C:\Documents as it should.
I now try to build the database.
Initially the FSX Program and FSX Scenery.cfg settings were automatically set to D:\
Database did not build.
I therefore changed both settings to "D:\Program Files [x86]\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X"
Database did not build.
Sorry Tim but I thought what I did was logical - maybe it wasnt ?
I always ran as administrator.
I assumed FSX didnt have to be running to build the database.

tim arnot

I said above:
QuoteFSX Scenery.cfg - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX

The scenery.cfg file in the program folder is just a dummy. It contains no useful information.

Tim. @TimArnot