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Lost my VORs and NDB on Map?

Started by Lane, December 30, 2009, 06:38:38 PM

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I removed the Plan-G folder and ran the unzip plan-G File.
And set it up again for fs9 ran the data info.
But don't show any airports or Vors or NDBs on the map?
Have no idea were to go from here.? I can see AI traffic.
Lane :)

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot



Yes a whole page full on the error page. but I don't understand
the errors?  I have having problems with XPSP3 boot up problems. I rolled my PC to a restore point Dec1 09 .but problem was still there then restore back to orignal date. may be i screwed
something up. Files or something.
I will be 73 yrs old tomorrow all these errors are greek to me. :)
Lane  :)

tim arnot

Happy birthday for tomorrow!  8)

Would you like to upload the log file here, and I'll take a look. When you reply to this message click on Additional Options (below the edit box), and from there you can attach the log (Plan-G_Log,txt)

Tim. @TimArnot


Log file was to large to send. :( Message said file to large max 1024 KB.

I have a new Plan-G zip I D/L last night. I will delete my Plan G
folder on desk top and Install a new one. :)  See what happens
It was working Last week.  Will try again, If still no VORs I will send Log. Hope it won't be too large. I am flying fs9.
Fly DC3's Using Dutch Owens new FsCaptain Program.
Was Lucky and was a beta tester. Got a free copy.
Later, Thanks
Lane :)


Try to send Log File.  Just did a new install.  No Airports or Vor's?

Lane :)

tim arnot

Your .Net Framework file has become corrupted, and needs to be reinstalled.

Click Start - Settings - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs. Scroll down the list to find .Net Framework version 3.5SP1, and remove it. Then reinstall.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim,

Will Do. :)

Could be other files messed up. why I am having boot up problems.
Thanks again. Will let you know how it went. :)
Lane :)


Three Cheer's for Tim, ;D
I went to remove Net Framework 3.5SP1 and it had a maintenance mode Repair. So what the heck I run the Repair. It did the repair.
I started Fs9 and Plan-G and ran the Fs9 Database. I knew it was fixed because it saw loading Vor's NDB's Airports took a while to load the database. Connected to fs9 and there was Airports,Vor's
NDB's  Thanks Tim. ;D
I remember doing a MS update to NetFramwork 3.5SP1 a short time ago.  :'( I suspect some of those MS updates have messed my PC files.
Again thanks for you help.
Lane ;D

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot