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Build 234 bogging down

Started by nbrich1, December 01, 2020, 06:04:07 PM

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Build 234 has an intermittent issue of bogging down or being so sluggish after running/connected for @ 10mins or so.. with either MSFS2020 using either Simconnect 1 or 2 and also the same drain with P3Dv5 Simconnect (P3D). (After @10mins or so the app is bogged down and there is @ a 3 sec lag to access any function in plan G). .  Not sure Tim but It's almost like a memory leak or something that drains the Plan G application and it then runs at a snails pace thereafter.  Now if I close out 234 and start it up again, it's fine again for 10mins or so - then may (or may not) bog down again. Didn't see this problem mentioned before (unless I missed it).

Today, ran plan G twice with bogging down (Simmconnect (P3D), then the third start up and run today, it was fine with no bogging down. (Not really understanding why this occurs while at other times it is fine but you may have some insight?) 


The only other issue I note is that the end user must manually select: 1. The correct connection method for the sim used
and 2. manually select the correct airport database for the respective sim.

Now item 2. the airport database manual switch is not a big deal.  But is there any way to have an universal connection that can seamlessly connect to the various sims without user invention. 

(Long time Plan G user).

tim arnot

Are you showing traffic? and if so have you turned up the polling rate from the default? Are you flying in particularly high traffic areas? (the log will show how much traffic is being processed). Too much AI too often is the most likely cause of poor performance while connected.

The only issue I'm aware of was with MSFS, that didn't "retire" out of range AI, and so the amount of traffic would just keep on building. But you had to have an extremely high update rate (say 1 second), and run for probably an hour before it got really bogged down - basically the update events started overlapping.

The ability to run without a database is a new feature in v4, and yes Plan-G no longer selects a database by default. I could go back to previous behaviour and pick one, but it'd probably be the "wrong" one (if you have multiple databases)

To get a "universal connection" it's going to have to try each connection one at a time, and see which one(s) work. Which will be slow, allowing for timeouts, and some connections would have the wrong settings anyway on the first run. And it would only have any value on the first run, cos after that, the connection has been set up and it'll use the established connection.

Tim. @TimArnot


Ok Tim. Will do some more playing.. Now today's case was a multi-flight with only 5 others (JoinFS 1.5.10)
(FS AI Traffic off/ (Air & GA AI traffic OFF). 

Key Parameters:

FS Connection: Simconnect (P3D)  (Sim P3Dv5)

User Aircraft:
> Refresh Rate (seconds (2) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Maybe too short? 
Map Sync >Lock,
Update TAS from FS (unchecked/Off),
Show Waypoint Alerts (Checked)
Show Lat/Lon in Toolbar  (Checked)

Breadcrumbs Show trail (Checked)
Log trail (Unchecked/OFF)

Show Moving (Checked)
Show Parked (Checked)

Range km 100   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Maybe too large a radius?
Refresh rate (seconds) 5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Maybe too short?
Breadcrumbs Show trail selected (short)  (Log OFF)

Everything else as default.

Will change "range" parameters as follows: then retest.
> User Refresh Rate (seconds) >> decrease refresh rate from 2 secs to 5 secs,
> Traffic > Reduce Traffic range from 100 km to 50 km,
> Traffic > Reduce Traffic Refresh Rate >> decrease refresh rate from 5 secs to 10 secs,

tim arnot

For reference, my own system I change Traffic to 10 secs and leave everything else default. Flights generally are 2-3 hours in MSFS and P3Dv4.5 (I gave up on P3D5 - it's just too unstable). I've never had any bogging down. Laptop across a network.

Tim. @TimArnot


Ok Tim. will give it a go.. (also updating to 235),

Thanks Tim.