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Build 235

Started by tim arnot, December 04, 2020, 04:41:45 PM

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tim arnot

Please Rebuild your databases
There are schema changes to both main navdata and logbook databases.

There are now separate export options for MSFS and X-Plane 11. These need to be used if you want to include IFR procedures AS PROCEDURES. If you want to export the procedures as regular waypoints, then use the old FSX / X-Plane 10 exporters. Either format can be opened by MSFS or X-Plane 11 respectively.

There are still issues with approaches and approach transitions in MSFS: Approaches, while stored in the flightplan are not loaded when the plan is opened. This is the case with plans saved by MSFS as well as external planners. When it comes to transitions, MSFS does weird ju-ju, and makes no provision to save/load it. If/when they do something about it, we can do something about it too. When reporting problems with flight plans, please verify that MSFS does something different with its own plan first.

* Added waypoint tags & labels to departures display
* Fixed display enroute transition would garble the departure
* Added ability to filter departures by runway
* Added 'show all departures' option
* Added support for STARs (X-Plane11)
* Added support for STARs (MSFS)
* Fixed Airspace colour guide and airspace layer options dialogs had incorrect backgrounds
* Fixed Show Runway Overlays option was not exposed
* Converted approaches to use revised handling & storage
* Fixed error teleporting user aircraft when connected through SimConnect 2
* Fixed potential crash if FSUIPC failed to connect
* Fixed thread error updating traffic with an FSUIPC connection
* Added landing stats data to logbook database
* Added 'indicated airspeed' to data harvested from sim
* Load MSFS flight plan will set departure, star & arrival procedures where present and correct
* Export MSFS option will generate MSFS format IFR plans (which is not a guarantee that MSFS will load them - it often can't load its own plans!)
  (export as FSX to save as regular waypoints)
* note: If the plan does not include a procedure, "Export MSFS" will export FSX format
* Added CycleInfo table to the database
* Open X-Plane 11 .FMS file will generate Departure, Star and arrival procedures if specified.
* Export X-Plane 11 .FMS will save procedure data (export X-Plane 10 to save as regular waypoints)
* CycleInfo data now set in export formats that use it
* Fixed disconnect/reconnect from the sim mid flight did not log the continuation portion of the flight!AkfXrd8YzuWw7ChKO7WBFjrdJl_-?e=4q7Zwt

Tim. @TimArnot

tim arnot

Known bug: No database selected when Plan-G starts.

Tim. @TimArnot


Looking good, now we can see the waypoints, on sids stars, makes it easy to choose which one to use, Thanks for all your hard work.


Referring to creating the airport database (using Additional Scenery Location paths:)

Appears that the Additional Scenery Locations path doesn't pickup any sub-levels.

Now I am using multiple scenery pieces that are built as add-ons.. and they have sub-levels of scenery. Is there a way to scan an entire scenery root folder (IE: Add-ons folder" that will pickup all the scenery folders underneath the root that may be in sub-folders?  Or does each folder path now have to be individually selected/chosen to be included in building the airport data base?

(I am referring to many sub-sub-scenery folders that are under addon scenery folder in sub-folders.. It used to work (like a wildcard) *.* in previous versions but seems that it is not picking up my add-ons folder scenery pieces in that folder. 

Now I did test a few of the specific paths - and selected a few direct in the form entry of the additional scenery locations option then the loading of those scenery is picked up when the database is being built - but if the root folder only is selected then any sub-subfolders below appear not to be included in the database build.
Anyway around this? or anyway to include a *.* wildcard for a root scenery folder that when selected that all scenery pieces in sub-folders would also be picked up in the airport database build?

Ie: My RTMM addon is inside the main add-ons folder, (not contained in the scenery.cfg). (P3D). The root folder contains a scenery that contains 241 sub-scenery pieces which make up the entire package- and each of those sub-folders contains it's own scenery folder but none of it is being picked up when building the database.
But if I include the exact path to each or any of those sub-folder scenery pieces then that scenery is read and included in the Database.

Is there a way to revert a chosen additional scenery location as a parent to apply or scan all the sub-locations or is there a way to be able to apply a wildcard on a main addon or scenery folder so that the system, when creating the airport database, could be able to pickup all the scenery pieces that are in sub-folders underneath that main folder?

Make sense?  I hope I explained the issue that I am having. I have too many add-on scenery pieces built as addons and in sub-folders in a main scenery folder that are not being picked up during the database creation.


tim arnot

Scratching my head, I must admit. The only thing that has changed here is the UI. Instead of typing a folder name, you use a directory picker. It still creates an AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt file, just as it always did. If you have an AdditionalSceneryLocations file from v3, you can copy it into the Plan-G v4 Files folder, and have it work just the same. The processing of that file hasn't changed.

It's not recursive; it was never recursive.

edit: Or you can create the file by hand: one folder per line, does not need to end with "Scenery" or "\"

Tim. @TimArnot


Could enter all the paths direct into the AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt (much faster using a text editor). I have tested and know this works when each path is added and the apps finds as directed builds the correct database.

But if the parent folder only is selected app can't seem to find anything that is a level below that parent level.
I'll keep playing with it in an effort to try to establish why those are not being picked up but they used to be picked up in previous versions. Maybe my sub-directories scenery levels are too deep but don't think so.

End user won't want to enter multiple individual paths to be able to generate all the addon scenery/airports on the map.

Will keep trying to play with it Tim but what it seems like is: IF it is not in the scenery.cfg it's not being picked up unless that path is directly entered into the Additional Scenery Location form.

Here is one specific example:   Scenery is > NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on which has 5 sections of scenery pieces with 1-2-3-4 being object libraries - and the last section has all the add-on scenery locations - 243 individual scenery locations to be exact..

So start by adding the D:\Add-ons\  which is the parent or main add-on scenery folder.
(All scenery folders under this main folder are in their own sub-directories:)

Building Navigation Database: 

1. Path entered for additional scenery location: (Main add-ons folder).

D:\Add-ons\  << but no sub levels being picked up when the build navigation database is executed

2. Then tried next level down: path set up in the Additional Scenery Locations prompt:

D:\Add-ons\NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on << no sub levels being picked up when the build navigation database is executed

3. Then tried next level down: path set up in the Additional Scenery Locations prompt:

D:\Add-ons\NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on\05-RTMM Addon Scenery << no sub levels being picked up when the build navigation database is executed

4. Then tried next level down: direct paths set up in the Additional Scenery Locations prompt:

D:\Add-ons\NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on\05-RTMM Addon Scenery\Misty's Place\  << Picked up ok and database  built (and map displays correct airport location and correct ICAO). (Misty's Place has the scenery folder)

D:\Add-ons\NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on\05-RTMM Addon Scenery\NAC Bases\   << Picked up ok and database built
(and map displays correct airport locations and correct ICAOs)  (NAC Bases has the scenery folder)

D:\Add-ons\NA-USA-Alaska RTMM Add-on\05-RTMM Addon Scenery\CIRP Ice Stations\ << Picked up ok and database built (and map displays correct airfield locations and correct ICAOs)  (CIRP Ice Stations has the scenery folder)

So only on the last case was the scenery found and included in the database.

Hope this specific example better illustrates to what I am trying to explain. 


tim arnot

Yes, I get that it's not recursive. But it's never been recursive. I've compared the code all the way back to 3.1 (the oldest I have installed), and it hasn't changed.

If you have a version of Plan-G where it's finding and including those folders through AdditionalSceneryLocations.txt and not Scenery.cfg, I'd be curious to know the version, and see the log.

I can add the option easily enough though...

Tim. @TimArnot


Hmmm ok Tim.. will try do some more checking to find the version that found all the stuff from the parent folder below when the parent path was entered in the Additional Scenery location field. (I know it already does a complete scan when scanning the root sim or the main Orbx folder if it is inside the root sim).   

In the mean time, if it is not too difficult to do, making the additional scenery location work that way -being all inclusive (parent through to also capture all the child scenery folders) is the way to go especially for those FSX or P3D users that have layers of scenery folders in various locations or maybe using complex add-ons (xml). So to select a parent folder in the additional scenery location form and all items below that folder can be additionally picked up and scenery contents added to the database would be very beneficial and would avoid much work in selecting a path for each scenery entry if the user wants those pieces as part of the Plan G database.

Thanks for all your work on this Tim.


I can't find a way to delete a waypoint from a flight plan anymore.  Was that feature removed or am I doing something wrong?

tim arnot

Select one or more waypoints in the list view, right-click & Delete. Same as it always was ;)

Tim. @TimArnot


Been trying that but it hasn't worked.

tim arnot

So what's happening? Does the menu not have Delete in it? Or are you selecting Delete and nothing happens? What kind of waypoint(s) are you deleting?

Tim. @TimArnot


I'll try again but delete hasn't been showing up like it use to.


Okay.  Loaded a flight plan and tried to delete a way point from the map.  No go.  Can't find anyway to get the old popup menu with the delete way point option.  But, when going to the flight plan list display, not the map, I can get the delete option.  So, I can do what I want to, just not from the main map.

tim arnot

You can only delete user waypoints from the main map, not plan legs - that's never been implemented. You need to use the list view for that.

Tim. @TimArnot