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How to update Navdata

Started by bigmarty, March 30, 2021, 07:42:06 PM

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I like Plan-g and use it most of the time. However, it is not very useful when I cannot set up a flightplan that matches the plan built in the aircraft's FMC, or cannot input a Plan G flightplan into the aircraft because there is no consistency between the intersections/vor's available in the aircraft FMC and Plan g. 

Is there a way to update the Navdata in Plan G? I see from a forum search that Plan G will read XPlane navdata but you need to set up a "fake" Xplane.exe file in order for Plan G to read the XPlane Navdata.  How does one go about setting up a fake .exe file? Or is there another way to update the Navdata?

I have updated Navdata in P3D and in the aircraft, and rebuilt the Navigation Database but Plan G does not to pick up the updated information.

Using P3D V5.1

Thanks for any suggestions.



I see on more searching that there may be a solution to this in build 238. I will give that a try and report.

tim arnot

If your FMS data is coming from Navigraph, Navigraph does not update the default P3D bgl files, so Plan-G will not see it.

If you have X-Plane installed, you can download Navigraph for X-Plane, and Plan-G can use the X-Plane data (it will be the same for the most part, although there are some airports in X-Plane not present in P3D, and vice versa).
If you don't have X-Plane, you can set up a dummy installation (see below), and Navigraph will install data to that.

The Navigraph fixes in build 238 apply to MSFS, not P3D.

To create a dummy X-Plane folder, simply create a folder, anywhere you like, call it "X-Plane" (you can actually call it anything, so long as you remember it). Then create a text file inside it, using Notepad or whatever, and rename that file to X-Plane.exe.
You can tell Navigraph where that is, and you can tell Plan-G where that is, and they should hook up.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you very much for the reply.

I downloaded and installed build 238, built the navigation database for P3D and and copied the Plan - G4 folder over to my remote PC (I use Plan g on the remote pc via Widefs). Now Plan G is showing intersections that I was unable to get before. You say the Navigraph fixes in build 238 do not apply to P3D, but it seems to be working for me.

I think I will leave it as is now and not go the fake xplane.exe route, but thank you for telling me how to do.  Maybe I will need it later.
