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Air Space not displaying

Started by John Earl, July 01, 2022, 10:35:51 AM

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John Earl

I have MSFS and airspace is not displaying despite all options being checked.  I note that Navigraph which I have installed, was a problem in previous builds.  Has the issue been fixed?

John Earl

tim arnot

Navigraph would not affect airspace.

What zoom level is your map at, where in the world are you looking, and what are your airspace options set to?

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl

I am looking at the UK around EGBB.  The zoom level selected has no affect, and I have all the airspace boxes checked and the range set to 0-30000 feet.  I have compiled the MSFS data base.

John Earl

tim arnot

Ok, can you move the map around a bit and then attach the logfile?
(delete the log, start Plan-G, move the map around, close Plan-G)

The log file is My Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files\Plan-Gv4_Log.txt.

You didn't say what zoom level you are on...

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl

I am zoomed out 4 levels.

John Earl

tim arnot

Can you check that you have the MSFS database active? (just because you've built it doesn't mean it's the active database; you could be using X-Plane data for instance, which does not contain airspace).

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl

Yes I have Display MSFS Data selected.

Every thing else displays ok, VOR's, NDB's, Airports, ILS' etc.

John Earl

tim arnot

Hmm.You should definitely be seeing Birmingham's ATZ, CTR and CTA, even at extreme zoom levels - there would be a purplish hue to the map.
Can you do another database build, and then attach the log? in case there are errors happening during the build process that stop the airspace table being written. Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl

tim arnot

Thanks. It throws an out of memory error while trying to read airspaces, which explains why you're not seeing any. How much memory do you have? (& what else is running?) Is MSFS running? (if so quit it)

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl

Ive got 16Gb of RAM and a 1000 GB SSD.  Nothing was running when I compiled the database. Its a new PC I use exclusively for MSFS so dont have any spurious applications etc. on it.

John Earl

Does the OOM refer to RAM?

John Earl 

tim arnot

Yes. 16GB should be plenty - Plan-G is a 32 bit application so it can only use 3.5GB. But building the database is by far the most memory intensive thing it does, and if the memory is fragmented for some reason that can cause it problems, although it only maxes out at 1.35GB according to Task Manager.

You could try rebooting just before doing the build - that would give it the cleanest possible memory map, although I'm kinda clutching at straws over why it should have a problem.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a database I built eariler today. It includes Navigraph cycle 2206.

Tim. @TimArnot

John Earl