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Started by tim arnot, November 05, 2022, 07:02:22 PM

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tim arnot

MS have changed the location of airport "friendly names" in Sim Update 11. As a result you will have problems with a database built for MSFS Sim Update 11. But there is a workaround:

1. Create a backup of your Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\AircraftNames.db file
(this will probably get destroyed in the build, so you'll need to copy it back later)

2. Open the Build Database Dialog and click on Settings.

3. Find the MSFS LocPak entry (near the bottom) and click Browse.

4. Browse to (msfs2020)\Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\en-US.locPak and click Open. (the path will depend on where you have installed MSFS)

You should now be able to build your database. Once it's done, copy back the AircraftNames.db file.

There will be a permanent fix in the next update.

Tim. @TimArnot