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No VORs, NBDs. airports and aircraft icon on the map

Started by Rene333, February 06, 2010, 03:00:45 PM

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Hello. I do not see any VOR, NBD or airport on the map. Neither i can see the yellow aircraft iron. I do not have problems with the connection and can see the trail of my plane and AI planes.

I checked the forum on this issue and learned that the best solution is to send the Plan G-log. So I attached it to this post. I hope anybody can help me with this great program.

I use FSX and Windows XP.

Thank you.

tim arnot

I'm curious about the version of Plan-G you are using. It is not the official download version (build 423), but instead is build 420, which was never released to the public. So I must ask where you got it from, and also insist that you download and install the correct version from the main forum link, since what you have may be incomplete.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you for your reply.

I downloaded it from this forum: your post of February 1, Version 0.9.1. I had the same problem with the ealrier version (that I downloaded from this forum too).

Thank you.

tim arnot

Very odd, because the link points to 423. But regardless, there's no error shown in the log, so I don't quite know what's happening. The database appears to build okay. What zoom level are you using?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

I use a medium level (9). I tried higher levels (e.g. 12) and lower levels (e.g. 8), The result is the same: no Vor, NBD, airports and aircaft icon on the map.



In additon: I downloaded the programm from your same posting again and it seems to work correct now. The log file also confirms build 423.

Kind regards,
