
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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New version ? Is an update process is expected ?

Started by vbazillio, February 14, 2010, 08:38:22 AM

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Hi all,
I just noticed (sorry !) the topic "Plan-G 0.9.1" and wondering if
1. An automatic update notice is available (sorry didn't find it)
2. An automatic upgrade is planned somewhere ?

Thanks again for this masterpiece of FS tool.
Vincent B.
Check my blog of a simmer and PPL : From virtual to Reality


There's no automatic notice, but news of any update is posted on the homepage at and here as a sticky in the forum.

At the moment Tim passes a succession of beta updates through the beta testers, before issuing a public stable update.  The schedule is ad hoc

You can get a RSS feed from this board by clicking on the RSS link at the bottom of the page. 



Thanks for the feedback. I will catch the RSS Feed.
Vincent B.
Check my blog of a simmer and PPL : From virtual to Reality

tim arnot

Work has started on the next major update, but it's early days, and there's no release schedule yet.

Tim. @TimArnot