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How to use Plan-G

Started by elphy, May 05, 2010, 03:31:12 AM

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I used to use FSNavigator which I think it's a great program. Plan-G looks great too, but I'm still not sure how to use it. How do you access it when you are in FS9? How do you load plan to FMS and have plane fly the plan automatically?

Thanks for all suggestions.



Hi Elphy

I'm very new to Plan-G but I don't think it works in the same way as FSNavigator - i.e. you cannot hit F9 or any other key and have Plan-G come up over the MSFS interface.

When FS9 is running I hit ALT+ENTER to get the program into windowed mode and then I fire up Plan-G.  Whenever I want to see Plan-G I just select it from the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and it comes up over FS9.  You have to make sure that the Pause on Task Switch option in FS9 is unchecked if you want to keep flying while you are looking at Plan-G.  The only downside of this for me is that I cannot hear the engine sounds whilst I am looking at Plan-G.

Plan-G allows you to build a flight plan and save it in FS9's native format which you can then import into FS9 in the usual way.

I assume that all this is the same in FSX but, as you can probably guess, I'm an FS9 flyer  :)

Hope this helps.



Hi all
I've just joined the forum after downloading Plan-G.  It really looks great and has a lot of features which FSNav (my tried and tested favorite) doesn't have.  But, as in the last postings, I'm also a little concerned about accessibility.  It looks like you can only run it in windowed mode.  If you go into full-screen mode (Alt-Enter), as I prefer doing, and which is recommended, then you have no way of getting into Plan-G, since the only way to access seems to be via the task bar icons.  Running in windowed mode also doesn't allow you to use the full screen on a 24" monitor because of panel distortion (believe me I've played around with all the settings), and this means that you see the background wallpaper and desktop icons around the panel edge, which is annoying.  You can of course create a blank wallpaper, but then you stil see the desktop icons.  Another point - I usually use 2 monitors, but this dosn't solve the problem as you get all sorts of funny things happening when you go into fullscreen mode and try and move the map on the second screen.

BTW, full-screen mode has always been recommended for FS as a result of improved performance, but I don't think that's really an issue any more because of the power of modern computers.  (I still prefer it though!)

Has anybody found a solution to this problem?



I too preffer Full Screen mode in FSX, but when using Plan G I just live with flying in windowed mode. The benefit of being able to use a great tool like Plan G totally outweighs the fact that FSX has to be "windowed".