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Connecting to a Network for FSX.

Started by realatp, June 09, 2010, 04:45:35 AM

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My FSX Computer IP is: and I'm trying to connected via IPv4 or w/e to plan-g on a laptop. I wrote the simconnect.xml file and put MY IPs adress in it twice like I was suppose to then I moved it into the location of the FSX Config file.

I went over to my laptop and put MY FSX Compuuters IP adress and used the deafult 4506 or w/e and it will no work...what am I doing wrong?

tim arnot

Please upload the logfile and your xml.

Tim. @TimArnot


Do I have to set up any shared folders with Plan-G?. I've created the xml put it into my FSX.CFG location with my corret IP address, and everything is hooked up put it isn't findingit in the network.
In the "Options" part, where it asks for FSX I have to fill anything out in there?? Thanks, sorry to be a pain, I also dont know how to upload my xml file onto the forum.

tim arnot

Your Simconnect.xml file hlould look like the example below. The only things to change are the <Address> and <Port> lines.

* Make sure the IP matches you FS PC's IP.
* Your computer might have more than one network port - make sure you are looking at the right one.
* IP addresses are often dynamically allocated. If your IP keeps changing you will need to set a reserved address for your FS PC in your router. See your router's documentation for how to do this.
* Make sure the entry in the FS Connection tab in Plan-G matchis the values in tour xml file.
* Make sure the xml file is saved in the same location as FSX.CFG (e.g. C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX )

* You do not need to set up any shared folders
* You do not need to change the Locations tab

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: tim arnot on June 11, 2010, 08:52:15 AM
* IP addresses are often dynamically allocated. If your IP keeps changing you will need to set a reserved address for your FS PC in your router. See your router's documentation for how to do this.
You can also overcome this by using the computer's name instead of the IP address (e.g. FS_PC or whatever it shows as on the network)