
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Slow script error message.

Started by johncrockatt, August 11, 2010, 12:21:50 PM

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I have recently had trouble with this message appearing every time I zoom, or try to move the map by dragging.  On the RTFM principle I consulted your FAQs and there found the fix that is available from Microsoft.  I applied the fix, and it certainly fixed it.  Plan-G would not work atall.   It opened with the message that it could not open the Google map.  The message proposed four possible solutions which I could not even understand, never mind activate.  So that was the end of that.

I decided that I would have to uninstall, reinstall, and accept the slow script messages.

I had installed the database for FSX, and it was open on the screen whilst I ran the database for FS9.  I was thinking of the note in your FAQ that the plan might have to write hundreds of thousands of items when I zoomed.   For the first time it dawned on me that when I zoom a little bit of England I am actually zooming every part of the world even though I can't see it.

The thought occurred to me that perhaps I might reduce  the load in some way.  At that point my eye fell on the FSX map that was still showing and I realised that it was strewn with waypoints, by the hundred.  These waypoints are primarily for IFR traffic, and as you know I am now primarily a VFR pilot.  I remembered from watching Plan-G load that there are over 100,000 such waypoints in FSX and 87,000 in FS9, and I don't need them.

I went into the Map Setting menu of both sims, and unchecked the "named waypoints" item.

The problem is completely solved.  The writing of maps after zooming is virtually instantaneous and I hope never to see that "slow script" message again.

I hope this may be helpful .

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot