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Multiplayer - MSFS 2020
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Author:  Andymel2 [ Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Multiplayer - MSFS 2020

I regularly meet up with a small group of glider pilots - definitely not Condor, if you're interested.
We previously used FSX, which outputs each pilot's position etc and Plan-G could pick that up, showing the whole group on a map while flying.

As you're no doubt aware the only data which MSFS makes available is AI data. In MSFS, we use a small app called Transmitter ( Each player runs that, which transmits the player's data from the sim to a central database. Users then connect to that (from the mapping program) while the sim is running and we see each other on a map. However, we're limited at present to LittleNavMap; I can't see any way of connecting to the online database via Plan-G.

Is it something you've looked at or would consider please?

Author:  frankturley [ Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiplayer - MSFS 2020

You might want to check out JoinFS, this connects flyers in different FS versions, without using sim multiplayer options. Also, have a look at Plan-G option settings for traffic, ticking the boxes here will allow you to see other flyers who are connected plus AI.
Author:  Andymel2 [ Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiplayer - MSFS 2020

Thanks for your response.

JoinFS was what we used for FSX so we're very familiar with it. Transmitter is a great deal easier to use.
Author:  Tim [ Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Multiplayer - MSFS 2020

I haven't heard of Transmitter - I'll look into it, and add support for it if at all possible.

JoinFS definitely works with Plan-G and MSFS - I use it every week in my own multiplayer flights. The only real issue with it is that sometimes you'll see doubled up aircraft in the sim.

Later: It appears to use Whazzup format data. We already use that for Vatsim and Ivao, so I think it'll be a pretty simple addition. Watch this space.... :)
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