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Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons
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Author:  Dieter [ Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons

Hello Plan-G users,

I used version ...288 without any problems until recently. When version ...295 came out, I installed it and also used it without any problems. This is MSFS under WIN10 Pro.
Now, from one day to the next, version 295 no longer shows any icons on the map.
The icon under the "Data" Tab - "Display MSFS Data" is active.
All options under "Map" are also checked. (Large, Medium, Small etc.)
I updated the database - no success
Plan-Gv4_Log.txt does not show any errors.

Strangely enough, version 288 still works without any problems!
Both versions are using same database files - on my system here:Data in: C:\Users\KDLinde\Documents\Plan-Gv4 Files

What could be the error?

Author:  Tim [ Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons

Just to be clear: you had a working database in 295 on one day, and then on the next, WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING IN PLAN-G, you had no database. Correct?

I think for that to happen, something must have changed at the Windows level. For example, as the result of a Windows Update, you have changed from having your Documents folder on your local machine to having it in the Cloud (on OneDrive or similar). That could certainly upset Plan-G.

You will need to have your Plan-Gv4 Files folder somewhere on your local PC. It doesn't have to be in "My Documents", but it can't be remote (this is because database engines don't much like accessing data across a network).

In File Explorer, locate your Plan-Gv4 Files foder, and copy it to a local hard drive (e.g. D:\ Don't copy it to your C drive root folder!)

Then in Plan-G, go to Options/ General, and type the path to your Plan-Gv4 Files folder into the box. After restarting Plan-G, you should have your daya back. (hopefully...)
Author:  Dieter [ Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons

The top assumption is correct.
I followed your advice and located my Plan-Gv4 Files folder on D:\Plan-Gv4 Files and I also
typed the path to my Plan-Gv4 Files folder into the box Options/ General,
but without success.
Additonally version 288 where I did same doesn't work anymore.
I have to check this carefully. I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Thanks so far.
Author:  Tim [ Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons

Can you post a log file showing the startup? (delete the log file, then start Plan-G and move the map around a bit. Then upload the new log file). That'll give some diagnostic information.

The log file is stored in your Plan-Gv4 Files folder, so it'll also confirm where Plan-G is looking for it's data. (ie if the new log file isn't there after the test, then Plan-G is looking somewhere else.)
Author:  Dieter [ Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Plan-G map no longer shows airport icons

Hello Tim,
I followed your advice and I could fully restore PG v295.
Thanks for your comprehensive help!
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