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Map stops moving after landing

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Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:29 pm

Map stops moving after landing

Post by jpc030682 »

Please forgive me if this topic has been covered somewhere else, I have not been able to find it anywhere. In previous versions of Plan-G, the map would continue to follow my aircraft after landing, but now it stops following on touchdown. Is there an option to have the map follow me after I land? Having it turned on would assist me when I'm taxing. I'm using version Thanks!
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Re: Map stops moving after landing

Post by Tim »

Whether the map follows your aircraft is determined by the Lock/Sync/Free setting on the Home ribbon.

Lock - keeps your aircraft in the centre of the screen, at the cost of performance (redrawing the map every second)
Sync - centres your aircraft only when it gets close to the edge of the map window
Free - never centres the map to your aircraft.

The default setting is Sync.

Being on the ground makes no difference to this behaviour, other than the fact that you are moving much more slowly.

You may be aware that the airport map popup window can also show your aircraft position (and AI), depending on settings. This often gives better performance than moving and redrawing the main map.
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Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:29 pm

Re: Map stops moving after landing

Post by jpc030682 »

I apologize, I forgot to mention that the map moves just fine while I'm taxing for take off, and while in flight. I have it set to "Lock". It stops moving after I land and taxi to my parking spot. The question I have is, Is there an option to have the map keep following me after I complete my flight? It has worked for me on previous versions. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Map stops moving after landing

Post by Tim »

Not really, because there's no concept inside the Plan-G core of "completed a flight" (the logbook records takeoffs and landings, but that's a separate subsystem.) The map itself only concerns itself with position data - get position report, update map, repeat. It'll only stop if the data stops (ie you disconnect from the sim, or the sim disconnects itself). Being on the ground (or in the water) isn't a factor at that level.

You say it worked on previous versions. Which versions? And what changed? Did it immediately stop after a Plan-G update? or after a sim update? What sim are you running? Build 288 is pretty old now, you should update to 295, although I don't know of any changes that affect this specific thing (either to cause it or fix it - it's not something that I've ever seen)
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