Welcome to the new home of Plan-G.
We are endeavouring to bring the old forum data across to the new one, but you will need to re-register here.
Old forum archive: https://plan-g.app/oldforum/index.php

Welcome to the new forum

Site Admin
Posts: 209
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:32 pm

Welcome to the new forum

Post by Tim »

As you can see, Plan-G has moved. There are multiple reasons for this. Partly it's because we managed to get the new "plan-g.app" domain, and partly also recent problems with downloads have prompted us to look into not only a new web provider but also a different back end.

Eventually the old domain will get redirected here, but for now the two sites are running in parallel. However as of this post, the old forum is closed. You can find an archive of it here: https://plan-g.app/oldforum/index.php

The current build of Plan-G can be downloaded from the Home Page https://www.plan-g.app/app.php/home or from the Downloads menu at the top of the forum. There are a limited number of previous versions available, I will be adding more in due course. For now at least the old download links should still work (to the extent that they did before).

The new board is a bit empty at the moment, but I'm sure that'll change before too long. Enjoy!

-- Tim.