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Data Base will not activate
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Author:  hpwells1 [ Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Data Base will not activate

Ok, another problem. Installed latest up date (285) and the data base will not activate. I tried three times with no luck. Can't fine no error messages in log file, Icon is highlighted blue.

Author:  Tim [ Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Data Base will not activate

The log suggests the database is activating normally. I presume that you're not seeing any airports etc on the map?

If you click on FIND, does it show anything in the list?

Another thought: have you moved your Plan-Gv4 Files folder? If so, that's relatively new code so it's possible that something is still looking in the wrong place - do a manual check in File Explorer and check the database is actually where it should be.
Author:  hpwells1 [ Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Data Base will not activate

I did what you said, I did another build navigation in data base clicked on display and bingo, there they were. Thanks for the quick responds

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