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Plane profiles?
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Author:  bleriot13 [ Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Plane profiles?

Hi to everyone!

If I'm not mistaken, some time ago there was a thread in the (I guess old) forum where profiles for several aircraft could be downloaded. I had some of these, but lost all of them after a disk crash and (what a shame) no backup of my data.

Looking for the said thread... I've been unable to find it! Could you tell me if there is a place where such plane profiles may be downloaded? I do not have the experience to build them by myself, so having a certain stock of these helps quite a lot...


Author:  Tim [ Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plane profiles?

I'm not sure what happened to that thread. Many of the links were broken anyway - people put files on their favourite upload site, and then later they delete them, or close their account, or the site goes away.

I'll look into setting up a new area on this site.

Plan-G v4 handles profiles differently anyhow, since aircraft profiles are tied to the logbook. Any time you fly a new aircraft type, it creates a profile for that aircraft. Most of the values for it can easily be found in the aircraft manual, or the cockpit instruments (V speeds are often on the ASI or speed tape). Fuel usage can simply be read from Plan-G's fuel gauge - set the plane in a cruise, climb, descent, or whatever, and read the numbers from the gauge (View->Fuel)
Author:  bleriot13 [ Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Plane profiles?

Thanks, Tim, for your answer.

I 'll try to proceed as you say. At least, I have found plenty of information for the plane I want to fly. I suppose I'll be able to create its profile.

However, I have one more question, but since it is not related to the creation but to the usage of plane profiles, I'll open a new thread.


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