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Messages - ilovetofly

This is an actual flight by Qantas Air using the B737-800. The approach into Queenstown is very diffilcult as there is no straight-in approach for either runway, 05/23. They are circle approaches. So charts are necessary to fly the approach. The following link is a video showing the various approaches (not done by me). The 800 is the largest aircraft allowed to land at NZQN.

The pictured plan is for RWY 23. Sorry about the big arrows, not sure how to remove them or resize them. There are other approaches, so have fun and be careful. Visual is required at a specific altitude I believe. Also, night landings are prohibited.

Jim D.
Sorry, forgot to include the link.
Plan-G / Re: Problem with new database
March 29, 2010, 09:57:42 PM
Thanks Tim, that did it.

Jim D.
Plan-G / Problem with new database
March 29, 2010, 04:25:26 PM
I've attempted to create a new database and I thought that I had done it correctly. But when attempting to import it I get an error message which states the following: "Invalid catagory on line 1. See the log file for more information".
I'm using EXCEL 10 to create the database and saved it as a csv file. But when I save it I get this message: NZ_SID_STARS_DBASE.cvs may contain features that are not compatible with CSV. 
  1. To keep this format, which leave out any incompatable features, click Yes.
  2. To preserve the features, click No. Then save a copy in the latest EXCEL format.
  3. To see what might be lost, click Help."

When I click on Help, I don't see what is the problem. If I click on save, I get the message as noted above. If I click on No, what would be the latest EXCEL format? Do I need a newer version of EXCEL?

I've included the file for help in learning what the problem is.


Jim D.
Plan-G / Create a database
March 29, 2010, 03:45:37 AM
I'm attempting to create a database for SID/STAR fixes and would like to know if there is a simple way of entering the required information into EXCEL without having to individually enter each fix and LONG/LAT since that could take a long time to accomplish.

I copied the fixes from the SID/STAR file for PMDG but can't figure if there is a way to put each entry into a separate column en masse. There must be a way since other databases available here can or do contain hundreds or thousands of waypoints.

Ideas and instructions are well appreciated.


Jim D.
Plan-G / Re: Waypoints
January 25, 2010, 06:49:06 AM
I have a little problem with one of your calculations. I agree with all in both examples except the following: 5 degrees 12.3 minutes is 5 + (12.3/60) = 5.0383333

My calculations which were confirmed on a web site recommended in this forum result in the following: 5.200083.

Also, it might be helpful to note that the calculation in the second example could be clarified a little by noting that in using a calculator the string would be:
37/60 + 27/60 + 58 = 58.460278. I was a little confused as to how it was converted until I tried adding the first divided result to the number 27 before dividing a second time.

Jim D.

P.S. This is the post that helped me to convert to decimals the Lat/Long coordinates.

Re: Attempt to add User Waypoint
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2009, 05:18:36 AM »QuoteThere's a nice little conversion facility at

The core calculation in the source code is:

     decimalLatitude = Math.round(absdlat + (absmlat/60.) + (absslat/3600.) )
     decimalLongitutde = Math.round(absdlon + (absmlon/60) + (absslon/3600) )

where the deg, min and seconds have been entered separately e.g. absdlat is the absolute value of the degree component of the latitude

Ruth« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 05:27:28 AM by RuthMcT »
Plan-G / Re: Attempt to add User Waypoint
December 30, 2009, 06:16:35 AM
Thanks Ruth, but never having been a math major, I appreciate the link to the converter.

Still would love to see adding a waypoint by just entering Lat/Long-Hr-Min. Takes forever in trying to position it on the map first, well, not forever, but tedious and slow . Still love the program though.

Thanks again all.

Jim D.
Plan-G / Re: Attempt to add User Waypoint
December 30, 2009, 12:45:20 AM
Thanks for the help. Now I remember how I did it before, just as you described.

I would love to see coordinates entered as they appear on a chart, e.g. N122.48 W47.19 for example and have them appear on the map. Can it be programmed this way in the future?

Also, how do you convert minutes to a decimal? I've been dividing by 60. Seems to work at times. Is that the correct way?

Thanks again,

Jim D.
Plan-G / Attempt to add User Waypoint
December 29, 2009, 06:57:50 PM
I have succesfully added waypoints for SID/STARS for airports in AU. Now I'm attempting to add one near Seattle, WA but it keeps being put it in the wrong location. First time it put somewhere in China.

Can I get a little lesson in adding a waypoint? I have tried the tutorial which helped with the previous ones. The one I'm trying to do is BANGR N47.38W122.54. I'm using as coordinates the following:
47.006333/-122.009. G-Plan keeps placing it south of Seattle when actually is is  north and slightly west of Seattle near the Penn Cove (CVV) VOR.
I also determined the MagVar to be 17.5*.

Thanks for the help.

Jim D. 
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 06, 2009, 05:53:51 AM
Quote from: Lukas Kergl on December 05, 2009, 08:50:33 PM
Thats it.... Thanks a lot.
But i think it´s a litte Bug,i think it should work with a direct selection too, or not?


It's faster the way it is. You don't have to scroll through a long list looking for the exact one you want.

Jim D.
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 05, 2009, 03:55:22 PM
Quote from: Lukas Kergl on December 05, 2009, 03:33:17 PM
Quote from: ilovetofly on December 05, 2009, 02:55:25 AM
Thanks Tim, I'll give it a go.
I seem to experience another issue, and that is on opening the "Find" window and selecting 'User Waypoints' the waypoint isn't found, or rather the waypoint doesn't center on the map. It worked with the 'Find Airport' selection.
Jim D.


i have the same Problem. But i dont know a Anwser. Any Idea?

Sorry, my english is not very good... :(


Hi LuKi,

Your Emglish is fine.

To use the 'Find' box, start typing the name of the waypoint in the upper box of the 'find' window and the waypoint list will then show only those with the letters you are typing. Then select the one you want and it will appear where you were typing, then select OK and the map will move to center that point on the screen.

Jim D.
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 05, 2009, 06:46:36 AM
Now that I've figured everything out along with your help, thanks for a GREAT addon. This is SOOOO much better than trying to use the FS planner. This makes it so much easier to set up SIDS and STARS.

Now what about adding the jetways and airways so we can follow the highways in the skys?

Jim D.
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 05, 2009, 02:55:25 AM
Thanks Tim, I'll give it a go.
I seem to experience another issue, and that is on opening the "Find" window and selecting 'User Waypoints' the waypoint isn't found, or rather the waypoint doesn't center on the map. It worked with the 'Find Airport' selection.
Jim D.

Edit: I figured out the "Find" window.
        Next: I'm having trouble setting the LAT/LONG coordinates. How is this determined? I tried but the waypoint ended up in an incorrect location.
Figured this one out too, I believe. Divide minutes x 60, correct? But using the 'Create User Waypoint', it tells me that it cannot do it and says to refer to the log. Where is that?

OK. figured it all out now. Works great. Thanks for the help
Plan-G / Re: What I would like to see and a little help
December 04, 2009, 09:05:07 PM
Thanks Tim. What I am wanting to do is create a csv file for SID and STAR waypoints but am lacking the knowledge to do so. I've read the manual section 7.5 and I think I understand the formula. But I don't unstand exactly how to do it. I tried in the Create User Waypoint window but nothing shows up on the map. Like I mentioned in the first inquiry, I can do it the tedious way. So how is it done in EXCEL with the commas? Not ever having used or learned EXCEL, it is a little confusing. Does one do so in EXCEL, or somewhere else and then import it to EXCEL then into Plan-G? I tried following the examples in the posted files but I receive errors even though I used the EXCEL page from one of them eliminating what whas already in the file and attempting to create my own. I think it is a problem as to how to place commas since I don't see them in any of the csv files. 

Is there a tutorial or can someone post the method here and teach me?


Jim D.
Plan-G / What I would like to see and a little help
December 04, 2009, 04:28:40 AM
I'm just starting to use Plan-G and am impressed with its' many functions.

What I would like to see formost is an easier method for adding a waypoint for creating SIDs and STARs. The method I tried is slow and tedious as I try to locate waypoints using a SID or STAR airport chart. This involves moving the mouse point and consantly changing the map magnification until I can locate the approximate Long/Lat point, then create the waypoint.

I see that I can move a waypoint by editing the coordinates in the Create Waypoint screen, but that requires a fairly long number. Now I don't know where to find that exact coordinate, say for Australia waypoints. Easier would be able to locate it as it is printed on the chart, e.g., for Brisbane SID Rwy 01/19 South, the coordinate for MANLI is S27.27.8/ E153.11.9 while the Lat/Long as recorded in Plan-G is -27.4637088775635/153.197158813477. Or is there somewhere on the web where I can locate the complete coordinate?

Second, I would like to see airways displayed for high or low altitude flights as this would aid in programming the FMC in some aircraft.

If this has been addressed before please forgive me and point the way. I did a search and couldn't find what I was looking for.

Jim D.