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Messages - ruespe

QuoteThe only problem is that the English documentation might be a bit sparse
There is a complete english manual included in the download-package.

Plan-G / Re: Running FSX in windowed mode
February 18, 2011, 08:07:58 PM
Quote from: tim arnot on January 21, 2011, 08:59:42 AMFSX must be in Windowed mode to run Plan-G on a single PC. This is a limitation of Windows.
I've written the freeware-program FS-SIMtimizer that - amongst other useful functions - makes it possible to fly in fullscren-mode on one monitor and have Plan-G open on the other.
Plan-G / Re: Suggestions for next version
January 08, 2011, 11:56:53 AM
Well, you're right. So I will give a comment.

I support your suggestions, especially the 2nd one.
Plan-G / Re: Running FS in Full-screen mode with Plan-G
December 09, 2010, 08:13:28 PM
Don't give up. I've written the tool FS-SIMtimizer *), which can help you with your afford. Here you can use 2 (or more) monitors with FS in an "optimated fullscreen-mode" on one monitor and any wanted application on the other. Just give it a try. After starting FS, bring it into window-mode. Start FS-SIMtimizer, press Alt+Enter, enjoy.

Btw, this is only one of many functions, FS-SIMtimizer brings to you.

*) This is a german site, so I give you the google-translate-link. Hope, everything is understandable.

@Tim: Sorry for posting a bit of "marketing" for my programm in the forum of your fabulous program. But in the next version there also will be a function, so that one can operate PlanG without deactivating FS.
Plan-G / [Feature-Request]Store and rebuild tool windows
December 03, 2010, 09:24:26 AM
When an item from expander is released as tool-window, this information will be stored at closing PlanG, but the tool-windows are not shown on startup (nor the items are shown in the expander). It would be perfect, when the released windows would be shown at the same place where they were at closing PlanG.

Additional: the tool-windows are always-on-top, even when this option isn't selected. This should be made optional.

Plan-G / Re: Script stopped responding
December 02, 2010, 09:38:46 AM
Have a look at the FAQ:
QuoteWhen I'm showing large amounts of detail on the map, with lots of overlays, I keep getting script warning messages: "A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?"THis is a normal consequence of trying to do massive amounts of work in an Internet Explorer script. When you have lots of overlays being drawn, it is very easy to get a situation where you have many tens of thousands of points being plotted, lines drawn, markers drawn, and erased etc. Fortunately it is possible to disable this message, and Microsoft has provided a tool to do so. Click on the link:;en-us;Q175500 and follow the instructions.

Plan-G / ToolTip Fade-in/-out optional
December 02, 2010, 09:32:12 AM
I would like you to make the fade-in/-out effect of the tooltips optional. Because of the huge cpu-usage of FS and Plan G on my PC this effect always stops for a few seconds before completing and so I have to wait. Thanks a lot.

Plan-G / Re: No Plan-G icon in taskbar
December 02, 2010, 09:22:38 AM
Also Alt-Tab should bring it up.
Plan-G / Re: Screen display
December 01, 2010, 10:18:12 AM
Sorry Sir, I don't know. But I just tested it again (without starting FS). First the Explorer-Control appears without content. Then the rest of the window comes slowly up one-by-one, but no icon in taskbar. After a while i clicked into the window and then the taskar-icon also appeared. This is reproduceable.

Ah ja, after closing PlanG the taskbar-icon disappears but the planG-window looks as If it's still existing. Bit it isn't. It only stays visuable. When I drag another window over it, the overlaying parts of PlanG-window are destroyed. Looks funny.
Plan-G / Re: Screen display
December 01, 2010, 08:42:35 AM
I also had a similar behavior with 2.0 (which didn't disturb me too much). I just mention it here for helping finding the bug.

After starting PlanG, nothing did happen. There was no PlanG-Window and nothing shown in taskbar. With Alt-Tab Plan G was shown and could be activated. Then it was shown on screen and in taskbar. But only the IE-Windows was visble. The other parts of the window appeared, when moving the mouse over them or mimizing and restoring the window via taskbar.

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this behavior any more. Maybe it was a low-memory-problem???
Plan-G / Re: DEM tiles
November 28, 2010, 06:25:38 PM
Tim, please have a look on my post a few lines higher
QuoteIt's also the dot-comma-bug. When you change the regional-settings to "England" before starting Plan G you get the elevation profile back :-)
Plan-G / Re: DEM tiles
November 28, 2010, 02:38:06 PM
It's also the dot-comma-bug. When you change the regional-settings to "England" before starting Plan G you get the elevation profile back :-)
Plan-G / Re: No "Instrument Approaches" in context-menu
November 26, 2010, 02:21:29 PM
Yes, I do get a lot of errors. Looks like they depend on the dot/comma-bug.
Quote10:25:29.2 Writing 102855 intersections
10:25:38.2 Error saving ISEC KT: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 13,Source expression count = 14 ]
SQL = Insert into Route (OwnerID, RouteType, RouteName, NextIdent, NextIdentRegion, NextIdentType, NextMinAltitude, NextAirportICAO, PrevIdent, PrevIdentRegion, PrevIdentType, PrevMinAltitude, PrevAirportICAO) VALUES (1654,'B','G591','ELNOS','NZ','O',0,'','UKAPA','NZ','O',2133,6,'')
10:25:38.2 Error saving ISEC UKAPA: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 13,Source expression count = 14 ]
Quote10:27:01.1 Rebuilding indexes
10:27:02.6 Writing approaches
10:27:02.7 WriteApproachesData error:The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 17,Source expression count = 18 ]
nSQL = INSERT INTO ApproachLegs (ApproachIndex, IDCode, FixType, FixIdent, FixRegion, FixOwner, Theta, Rho, Course, DistanceTime, AltitudeDescriptor, Altitude1, Altitude2, Flags, RecommendedIdent, RecommendedRegion, RecommendedType) VALUES(1,'IF',6,'BOBKO','K4','00R',0,0,0,0,1,609,6,0,0,'','',0);
10:27:02.7  Finished writing 1 approaches for 25 airports.
10:27:02.7 Writing 24490 airports
10:27:19.0 Error saving runway for airport 00AL: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 15,Source expression count = 17 ]
SQL = INSERT INTO Runways (ICAO, Surface, Length, Width,Heading, [PrimaryRunway], [PrimaryDesignator], [SecondaryRunway], [SecondaryDesignator], [CircuitAlt], Markings, Lighting, Pattern, Latitude, Longitude) VALUES ('00AL',1,701.04,60.96,10,1,0,19,0,304.8,0,0,32,34,8648102208972,-86,7702774703503);
10:27:19.0 Error saving runway for airport 00AZ: The count of column names and source expressions do not match. [ Column name count = 15,Source expression count = 17 ]

[Edit]So, now I changed my regional settings and rebuilt the database. And everythings works fine now.
Plan-G / Re: No "Instrument Approaches" in context-menu
November 26, 2010, 09:21:27 AM
I tried it on the airports shown in your screenshots, for example EGPC, EKVG, EGBE. But maybe, I missunderstood something. Is perhaps anything else nessessary for showing the instrument approaches?
Plan-G / No "Instrument Approaches" in context-menu
November 25, 2010, 07:18:35 PM
First of all let me say a big "Thank's a lot" for Plan G. I'm using it for many months and 2.0 is a big step ahead.

I just was crawling thru the pdf and was looking on the context Menu of airports. There I'm missing the entry for "Instrument Approaches". I don't find it in USA nor in UK or Germany. Am I doing something wrong?
