
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Plan G locking computer

Started by gajft, September 18, 2010, 06:01:19 PM

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Hi all,

I hope someone can help me out with this little mystery. I was using Plan G quite extensively and succesfully, no problems. I have not used the app for a couple of weeks, but upon trying to load Plan G today, it locked my Computer, forcing a reset to start up the system again. I consequently uninstalled Plan G, and re-installed a fresh copy, but to no avail, the same fault occuring. I also reinstalled my copy of Net Framework 3.5 SP1, hopefully to be on the safe side.

On trying to restart the fresh install of Plan G, i am advised to build the relevant database. I then get no error message, just a white rectangle covering 1/2 my screen, and after a few seconds my screen locks and i have to reboot. During the time of the white area and locking, a cannot open any programs or access the windows task manager with the intention of closing Plan G down. I have attempted to take a screen shot of the event, but find i can do nothing.

I have included the log file for your viewing.

I hope someone can help, as i rely heavily on Plan G for my VFR flying.


11:42:28 PlanG constructor
11:42:28 executableFolder: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\Desktop\Plan-G
11:42:31 Starting Plan-G, build
11:42:32 FS9 is installed
11:42:32 Selected data set is FS9
11:42:32 Starting map
11:42:34 Initialisation complete.
11:47:04 PlanG constructor
11:47:04 executableFolder: C:\Temporary\Plan-G
11:47:08 Starting Plan-G, build
11:47:09 FS9 is installed
11:47:09 Selected data set is FS9
11:47:09 Starting map
11:47:10 Initialisation complete.
17:16:28 PlanG constructor
17:16:28 executableFolder: C:\Temporary\Plan-G
17:16:31 Starting Plan-G, build
17:16:31 FS9 is installed
17:16:32 Selected data set is FS9
17:16:32 Starting map
17:16:32 Initialisation complete.
17:36:11 PlanG constructor
17:36:11 executableFolder: C:\Temporary\Plan-G
17:36:14 Starting Plan-G, build
17:36:14 FS9 is installed
17:36:14 Selected data set is FSX
17:36:14 Starting map
17:36:15 Initialisation complete.

I am running Win XP SP3 and FS9

tim arnot

There's nothing indicated in the log. Have a look in the Windows System logs (Administrative Tools->Event Viewer)  - there might be a clue in there. Otherwise, is there anything you've changed on your PC in the last two weeks?

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

Thanks for taking a look at my post. I've backtracked on everything i've done in the last couple of weeks, and even gone to the extent of un-installing several progs and apps, but still to no avail.

I'm really at a total loss as to what to do. Tried doing a vfr flight yesterday without Plan G, and it felt like i'de lost my right arm...................

I'm about to d/l the prog and re-install again.

BTW, the white area i referred to in my orig post would be an area replacing the map area on plan g, but of course no map appears. Having said that, i did at one stage over the weekend, manage to get the whole plan g screen to show, but on trying to access the database rebuild, my locking problem occurred, and i have not got any further into the prog on any other occasion.

Anyway.........thanks for your time and suggestions, and i'll keep plodding from my end.


tim arnot

Quote from: gajft on September 20, 2010, 09:45:19 AM
BTW, the white area i referred to in my orig post would be an area replacing the map area on plan g, but of course no map appears.

That suggests a script blocking issue - if the base map isn't showing, there's something blocking it (IE script/security settings, firewall, antivirus etc...)

QuoteHaving said that, i did at one stage over the weekend, manage to get the whole plan g screen to show, but on trying to access the database rebuild, my locking problem occurred, and i have not got any further into the prog on any other occasion.

Could still be due to blocking.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi again Tim,

Took your advice given above, not to sure on the scripting situation as i run Mozilla Firefox, and can't find if script blocking is on or off. I'll continue with that one later.
I also reset all aspects of Plan G using the reset options within the program.

This a.m., i've started Plan G, and got a full screen with maps and all facility buttons. Because it is a new install i have received the request to build the relevant database, but could not access the facility and once more, after about 45 seconds, my screen locks.

I did some research into my anti virus, (Virgin Media Security), and it appears the new updated program has caused quite a few issues. So i removed this and replaced with seperate Anti Virus and Firewall progs. Both are allowing Plan G access to the web.

I'm not sure if the version of Plan G i was running was the original version or the updated version now available. There again i can't see that making any difference as i am getting the same fault, no matter which version it was. Would it make any difference anyway?

Off now to continue with the trawel for info.

Once again thanks for the help and regards..........Tony

tim arnot

I doubt that the version of Plan-G would make a difference to this issue.
To check the IE script blocking, you will need to run Internet Explorer (however painful that may be  ;)) and check under Tools->Internet Options. There is another recent thread here, where this was the cause of the problem.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi again all,

I have sort of sorted out my initial problem......................i purchased wide fs and pinched the wifes laptop and am running Plan G on the laptop via fsuipc connection. After a couple of attempts, and altering the client ini fil, i have the connection working, and Plan G links with the server pc and does all it should,..................................APART FROM ONE THING!

When Plan G starts it loads a FSX database????????????

I don't have FSX!!!!!!!!!

I show my connection as FS9 FSUIPC, and when i connect i receive the following message.

Plan-G: Data does not match version of FS, and i am invited to build a new database for fs9.

When i take the Data option FSX map display is highlighted, and i can access the Manage Database facility. The option to build a FS9 database is 'greyed out' and unavailable. I have tried right clicking all options to no avail.

Below is a copy of the log file which shows that the FSX database is the selected database. It also refers to Sim Connect, which i don't use, but it probably tries the option as a connection search, i'm not sure about that. Can i alter any entries anywhere to 'persuade' Plan G to 'see' a FS9 database

Now i've come this far, and especially after lashing out for a wide fs key, i do not want to give up. Can anyone give me a clue as to how a can access being able to build a FS9 database, and get Plan G working properly for me again.

Thanks in advance............Tony

20:17:14 PlanG constructor
20:17:14 executableFolder: C:\Documents and Settings\Sheila\Desktop\Plan-G
20:17:14 Starting Plan-G, build
20:17:15 Selected data set is FSX
20:17:15 Starting map
20:17:15 Initialisation complete.
20:18:00 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
20:18:00 SimConnect.Connect
20:18:00 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = Port = 0
20:18:00 SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Open: iPort value is invalid
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, Int32 iPort, Boolean bIsIPV6)
   at FS._SimConnect.Connect()
20:18:00 FSUIPC.Connect
20:18:02 New AI: DH8D G-ECOP
20:18:03 New AI: BE76 G-TRAN
20:18:05 New AI: B763 G-OBYD
20:18:05 AI thread blocked
20:18:06 New AI: A320 G-MEDK
20:18:08 New AI: A319 G-EZIP
20:18:09 New AI: E195 G-FBEC
20:18:10 AI thread blocked
20:18:11 New AI: E195 G-FBEB
20:18:13 New AI: CARJ D-ACJB
20:18:17 New AI: B738 EI-DHN
20:18:19 New AI: SR22 G-ZZDG
20:18:20 New AI: C177 ZZ173
20:18:21 AI thread blocked
20:18:21 New AI: AT72 EI-FXG
20:18:23 New AI: Metroline EC-HCH
20:18:24 New AI: B733 G-TOYI
20:18:26 AI thread blocked
20:18:26 New AI: B773 A6-EBP
20:18:27 New AI: E195 G-FBEM
20:18:29 New AI: B738 EI-DCK
20:18:30 New AI: DH8D G-JECU
20:18:31 AI thread blocked
20:18:32 New AI: B738 EI-DWK
20:18:33 New AI: E195 G-FBEJ
20:18:34 New AI: A319 OO-SSM
20:18:37 New AI: A320 EI-DVH
20:18:38 New AI: Baron G-BFLZ
20:18:40 New AI: C551 G-IPAL
20:20:07 New AI: DH8D G-ECOW
20:21:58 New AI: Baron G-FABM
20:22:38 New AI: B763 N316UP
20:22:43 New AI: B737 G-EZJA
20:24:39 New AI: E195 G-FBEC
20:26:15 New AI: DH8D G-ECOV
20:27:01 New AI: DH8D G-JEDU
20:27:15 New AI: B738 EI-EFD
20:27:21 New AI: BD-700 G-EXRS

tim arnot

Yes that's a known issue when running on a PC with no FS installed.

What you will need to do is take the database you built on your FS PC and copy it across. Plan-G will then allow you to change to the correct data set.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,.thanks once again for the speedy reply to my last post.

The problem now is that i have un-installed my original copy of Plan G on the server pc, consequently losing all my FS9 database info, I then installled a fresh copy of Plan G, to try and resolve the origional problem i had, which started this thread, and still persists if i try and use Plan G on the server pc. This is why i have taken the Wide FS option, so i can have Plan G up and running once more.

I think my only possible solution is if someone would be kind enough to e-mail me a 'bog standard, out of the box, no frills attached' copy of a FS9 database, which i can use to at least give me a starting chance.

I'm not sure on the forum protocol on displaying e-mail addresses, so i'll hold fire on that one, and hope for a response or a personal message.

Gratefull as ever..............and now desperate.............Tony


Hi all again,

I've managed to add a bonus to my present dilemma of not being able to build the FS9 database.

I've just added a couple of entries into the Plan G excel folder, under Airports9, and after restarting Plan G i find i can now access the FS9 Data on the Map display, but these fail to show on the main map. But I must be making some progress as i can at least access the section. Can anyone tell me which file builds the database, as i feel i'm going to need to do it all longhand.............if i can make a few entries into the relevant file, it may just be enough to co-erse Plan G into building a full file.

Again....any help much appreciated.

Still desperate.......Tony


Hello Tony,
Try this if you have not already done

In my opinion it must first remove "SimConnect" from the laptop, where, Plan G is installed because you do not have FSX
When using FSUIPC WideFS in Local Area Network the best way is to create a "Network Drive" and specify its path in the Plan G box "Options" tab "Locations"
Then everything should return to normal as long as the file "Wideclient.ini" is correctly set to designate the name of the computer "Server" and/or its IP address in the LAN.
I use Plan G has always been and I never had any problems.
A bit of advice that we forget that almost everyone not to reinstall Plan G with the same file name, otherwise we "crush" any data. (This is indicated in the readme file)
Hope this help.

GĂ©rard Bernard


Hi golfbravo,

Thanks for contacting me. I am now going to sound a little dumb, as i am not the brightest spark concerning netwoking.

My laptop, with Plan G installed, is connecting to my fs pc and i see the moving map and ai aircraft after starting the program.

I am not sure on the Network Drive part. Obviously i can allocate a drive letter but where should i look for the folder location.

My FS installation is located in:- "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9"

I have tried adding a new folder location in the Map Network Drive facility, but am unable.

You seem very confident with network sharing, could you give me a dummies guide as to where i may be going wrong.

Your help is much appreciated.....................Tony

tim arnot

Quote from: gajft on September 27, 2010, 09:26:07 AM
My FS installation is located in:- "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9"

What you want to do is map E: on your laptop to E: on your FS PC. Then when you look at E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9 from either PC, you will see FS9. It is important that the drive letter and path is the same, or Plan-G won't be able to find the entries in your scenery.cfg.

You must share the E: drive on your FS PC, otherwise you won't be able to map to it.

Once it is shared, on your Plan-G PC, open Explorer, and find Network in the list on the left panel. Under this you should see your FS PC listed and the shared drive. Right-Click on it and select Map Network Drive. (This is for Windows 7. XP or Vista might be slightly different)

Once the drive is mapped, you can open Plan-G and go to Options->Locations. There you can tell it that FS9 is located in E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9

And now, Bob's your uncle.

Tim. @TimArnot



By heck.............I've done it, thanks to golfbravo, and Tim. I'm sitting here at this very moment, watching Plan G build a FS9 database.

This dummy has now learnt something else today.............file sharing, and really hpw easy it was to acheive.

Once again. thank you all for the help and instruction you have all suggested and given.

You see here one extremely happy happy that:-

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and sincerest regards.................Tony

tim arnot


Quote from: gajft on September 27, 2010, 10:30:05 AM

OI! We'll have none of that! It's still September!! It's bad enough that the decorations and incessant 'din' (I don't think you can really call Slade a 'carol') creep into the shops earlier and earlier, we don't need it on the forums too...   :P  :41: Bah Humbug ecksetra!

Tim. @TimArnot